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The village of the cooperative

The update on Wednesday, September 26 brought us a new addition to the game: the village of the cooperative.


And with this village comes a new currency: cooperative funds

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These co-operative funds are obtained with green notes ($) or gold coins:

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There are a total of five bonuses:


Of these five bonuses, four are passive and the last is active:


Passive bonuses:

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- Increase the duration of the projects.


- Increase of loyalty points (heart points).


- Increase in the number of revenue recognized when participating in a cooperative project.


- Increases the number of co-op funds received for every 100 co-op funds.


Active bonus:

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Increases the number of experiences received during 24 hours. It is possible to increase this bonus but Attention it also has a cost for its activation.



A word from the end: everyone can increase the funds of the cooperative, but only the representatives and the co-operative leader can improve them and launch them!

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